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Submitted by: Terry Small
When it comes to injuries, there are several different levels or grades which a medical professional will base the prescription, treatment, and rehabilitation program(s). The signs and symptoms of each grade will vary from mild to serious pain, discomfort, and other unpleasant conditions. Basically, this is a classification process where the injury is graded on how bad they are and what their signs and symptoms are. Regardless of what grade your groin strain is, immediate medical care should be advised and given by your doctor to prevent further injuries and damages to the already torn adductor muscle tissue(s).
As mentioned above, each grade varies in term of signs and symptoms which are the common tell tale of an injury. Although the degree of pain and discomfort would vary, they all share the same difficulty when one of the adductor muscle tissues is damaged. This article will tackle on the different grades of a groin strain and how they are all treated with the commonly used methods. Here are the common signs and symptoms that you can expect with each grade of a groin strain. Knowing the grade will allow you to prevent further damages to the groin muscles.
Grade 1
Difficulty in Running although the patient can still be able to walk normally, running would be a bit difficult especially with the impact each steps would deal to the injured (torn) adductor muscle(s).
Minor Tear at least less than 10% of the muscle tissues are torn or damaged in this grade. Minor tear can also result to pain and discomfort although you can still use your lower limbs and groin for walking purposes.
Pain and Discomfort these may not be as serious as the following grades, however these can still get your attention. Do not wait for these symptoms to aggravate as it can really cause additional damages to your groin muscles.
Tight Muscle Tissues you will feel a slight tightness on the groin muscles especially when you are trying to stretch them.
Grade 2
Swelling and Bruising these are common signs and symptoms that the tear on the adductor muscle(s) is quite serious.
Difficulty in Walking you will find your walking ability affected in grade 2. Although there may be difficulty in walking, you can still walk on shorter distances. However, it is highly suggested to remain rested until your torn adductor muscle has recovered from the injury.
Pain when Running in grade 1, you have experienced problems when you were running. In grade 2, pain sets in as soon as you try to run during your exercises and training programs.
Muscle Tightness you will experience muscle tightness which can provide a painful experience as you try to stretch your legs.
Grade 3
Lump you will be able to feel a lump or gap in the muscle tissues which also affect your walking ability.
Severe Pain you will feel severe pain and discomfort every time you move your feet especially when the adductor muscle tissues exerts effort during the process.
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